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We are a multidisciplinary group using biochemistry, structural biology and functional assays to understand the mechanisms of DNA uptake in naturally competent Gram-negative bacteria.


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  • Sept 2024 Stefanie Holz successfully defended her PhD. Congrats Steffi!
  • Jul 2024 Congratulations to Matthew Stedman on successfully defending his PhD!
  • May 2024 Congratulations to Pradyot Prakash for passing his MSc exam. Well done!
  • Apr 2024 Welcome to our new PhD student Maria Gregori Balaguer.
  • Apr 2024 Check out our new story on type 1 pilus stability external page here. This was a fantastic collaboration with the Glockshuber, Waksman, Meier and Wiegand groups.
  • Nov 2023 Congratulations to Alexandra Marti for passing her Master's examination. Congratulations!
  • Mar 2023 Welcome to Media Salmonson and Pradyot Prakash, who have joined our team as semester students.
  • Feb 2023 Tianlang just passed his Master's examination. Congratulations.
  • Jan 2023 Manuela becomes a member of the external page EMBO Young Investigator Programme (EMBO YIP)
  • Aug 2022 The group went on a very nice and interesting lab retreat in Bürglen (UR).
  • May 2022 Sophie Deselaers joined our group for her PhD - welcome Sophie! And, Pascal Blümmel successfully defended his MSc thesis/project - congratulations!    
  • Mar 2022 Check out our story on external page FimT's role in natural transformation!
  • Mar 2022 Dianhong Wang started her postdoc in our group. Welcome Dianhong!
  • Jan 2022  Manuela receives an ERC Starting Grant
  • Oct 2021 We have relocated to the D-floor of our institute into our brand new lab and Tianlang Pan has joined our group for his semester project - Welcome Tianlang!
  • Jun 2021 Manuela started as Assistant Professor & Pascal Blümmel joined our group for his semester project. Welcome Pascal!
  • Jun 2020 Stefanie was finally allowed to cross the border and physically join our group in Zurich.
  • Apr 2020 Stefanie Holz joined our group (virtually) for her PhD. Welcome Stefanie!   
  • Jan 2020 Manuela was awarded with an ETH Research Grant!                  
  • Nov 2019 David Domjan joined our group for a 3-month semester project. Welcome David!
  • Aug 2019 Matthew Stedman joined the group for his PhD studies. Welcome Matt!
  • Feb 2019 Our first PhD student, Sebastian Braus, joined the group. Welcome Sebastian!
  • Nov 2018 Manuela started in her new role as junior group leader at the ISMB.
  • Aug 2018 Manuela was awarded with an SNSF PRIMA grant.             


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